Friday, September 5, 2014

Welcome To Vidhi's Ad World

Namaste (Hello) Folks,

Exactly two summers back, when the temperatures were soaring to 80 something and everybody was leaving their homes and flocking to beaches, this Indian girl by the name Vidhi Joshi, almost clueless about where she was headed (not physically, but professionally), crossed 7 seas (not literally!) and reached Uncle Sam’s land. Well, honestly leaving the thermal shock (India was suffering from 100 something), I was thankfully spared of the culture shock or any other shocks that were on their way. Thanks to the diverse culture I was brought up in.

So, before I came here and decided to educate myself a little more (with my second Masters), I was an ad man. I wasn't necessarily a mad man though! (Mad Men is an American TV series based in 1960s about high class yet whacky weirdos working in an ad agency on Madison Ave in New York). So, unlike the Mad Men characters and their not so normal, colorful, fun filled lives, my life was not half as colorful.  Thanks to the demanding clients whose minds wavered with every call/e-mail and who kept unloading their not-so-creative ideas on me and the team. But, thats not the point I am trying to make. The point is that that it is really interesting how even after crossing 7 seas when you are in a completely different culture, you find so many similarities with that culture. Like they say, the more you try to run from something, the more it chases you.

Having lived in India for more than two decades and having got this wonderful opportunity to live in US now, I am trying to understand these similarities and some dissimilarities (if any) with respect to the creative (copy) aspect of advertising. In my blog, I would introduce all of you all to some of the Indian ads and American ads and discuss the ways in which communication to both the audience differs. It wouldn't be an Indian perspective on American ads but rather a perspective of a person who belongs to both the nations and yet belongs to none.

I whole heartedly welcome all of you all to reading my blog. The goods, the bads and the in-betweens (the comments, I mean!) can equally make their ways into the comment box.

Happy reading folks, avjo (bye)

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