Monday, December 1, 2014

Google @ Times Square

Google has been a late riser when it came to advertising itself extensively. Couple of weeks back I discussed Google Android - Be Together Not the Same ad. The ad showed people of different colors, practicing different religions, children, teens, adults, olds, gays, lesbians, almost all possible races in the ad. Few months back Google, along with other Silicon Valley companies was under fire for under-representation of females and people of colors in the company. The company was highly criticized, following which the company started hiring Asian, Hispanic & Black men and especially women in high managerial positions. To counter the negative promotion caused by the under-representation, it also came out the ad, which I mentioned above.

One of the most strategic and smart moves was taken by the company when it chose to advertise itself at Times Square. On an average, over 300,000 pedestrians walk by the Times Square, and nearly 115,000 drivers/passengers pass through by car and bus each day. In total, Times Square signage advertising receives around 1.5 million impressions each day. By paying $2.5 million for a period of four-weeks, the company chose to promote a positive self image. In lines with the Google Android ad, this interactive billboard shows little android robots of different skin colors imitating the people in front of the screen. Owing to the fact that there are people from different countries, some locals and some visitors from foreign countries, this billboard surely sends out a positive message that Google Android is for one and all. The billboard is as tall as an eight storied building.

The creative currently running on the display highlights Google's products including Google Maps and Android. So far, this has been the biggest amount of investment Google made on advertising. With this campaign, Google is sure to regain its positive image - an image of a brand that is for one and all.

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