Sunday, October 5, 2014


#Hashtag, a tool to create a buzz has itself created quite a buzz in social media. First started by Twitterers (Twitter users) to tag their tweets to provide a context to their tweets or designate them as being part of a particular conversation, #hashtags are now widely used by marketers to create a buzz about their brand. From being a mere pound sign, hashtags have turned into hyperlinked verb. By simply placing a '#' sign, right before the keyword/key phrase, you can start a conversation on that topic. And, anybody who wishes to be actively involved in the discussion, must also use the same # in all their tweets as otherwise, you may not know that they have tweeted about the same topic if you are not following them.

Personally, I am not a great fan of #hashtags but the fact that marketers these days use # as a way to market their brand intrigues me. Indeed, it is quite strange and interesting how much can be put into one little #, and the kind of response it generates. 

In the US out of the 54 national ads, which got released during #SuperBowl2014, 31 ads (57%) made use of #hashtags and got people into talking about their brand and current marketing message.

India is no far behind when it comes to making optimum use of this new form of advertising. Be it Instagram ads or Twitter ads, #hashtag seems to be the second most used word after 'Selfies'.  Have a look at the following Indian ads which have used #hashtag as a tool to get people into talking about their brand. 

While #hashtags are highly interactive form of advertising, it's reach doesn't seem deep enough in the Indian market because at least half the population doesn't have access to proper internet connectivity. 

Twitter and more recently Instagram, being key platforms used by many celebrities and market professionals, have helped brands acquire much more than what Twitter or Instagram were meant for or were expected to. The trend is really catching up among youngsters owing to its succinctness. But it hasn't caught on with Baby Boomers yet.

Let's see how long this newbie lasts in the advertising world. Till then keep reading until we meet next week with something more interesting.

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