Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ads Against Abuse

With a lot of domestic violence cases coming forth from across the world, a lot of effective and powerful Public Service campaigns have been created to create awareness and stop this abuse against women. I have picked three ads, each representative of the country and culture it was created in.

  • This Indian ad represents Indian Goddess of Wealth being a victim of domestic violence. The copy reads that a day is not far when not just women but even the Goddesses wouldn't be spared of the abuse. According to Indian culture, birth of a girl child is considered as an arrival of Goddess in the family and hence with this ad the advertiser tries to draw that connect and bring up the issue of domestic violence against little girls and women. There are two more ads under this campaign, 'Abused Goddesses'. The campaign was created by an Indian ad agency called Taproot Media.
Save Our Sisters
  • This ad from Saudi Arabia by King Khalid Foundation (KKF), marks an important initiative towards providing women from Saudi Arabia their rights. The women of Saudi Arabia as widely known aren't allowed to drive and are constantly under male guardianship. They are always covered up with a veil or a burqa that exposes nothing except their eyes. The power of this ad lies in its copy, which reads, "Somethings can't be covered". The campaign was created by Memac Ogilvy, Riyadh.

Somethings can't be covered

  • This ad campaign from the US, starring American celebrities comes across as a game changer. Instead of playing on the women's emotions to give out the message, it asks women and men suffering from domestic violence and sexual assault to fight back. There are over 60 ads in the campaign, the copy of all of which begin with the words, "No More" followed by a phrase. Every major domestic violence and sexual assault organization in the U.S.—from men's organizations to organizations that advance the rights of women of color and immigrants are behind the "No More" campaign.

No More
Each ad from different nations convey the same message, while sticking to the aspects relevant to their respective culture and mindsets of people. 

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