Monday, November 10, 2014

Effective Copywriting

David Ogilvy, the "Original Mad Men" and founder of Ogilvy & Mather is considered as the "Father of Advertising". His book, Ogilvy on Advertising is one of the most useful Advertising books I have ever read.

In this blog post, I will re-iterate some of his tips to effective copy writing, in my words.

  1. Go Big or Go Home
Writing a copy, which is less than compelling enough to draw a consumer, or make a valid argument, only implies that the copy writer didn't do his job to the fullest. So, either write a great copy or hire someone else who can.
    2.   Do Your Homework/Research Well
Before starting on writing a copy, the writer needs to do a research and find answers to 5W & 1H. Only when he finds the answers to these questions, can he create a copy that is effective. Just like half baked cookies upset the stomach, not-completely-well researched ideas signal failure of marketing/advertising message. Most importantly, the key is to know your audience/consumers.
    3.   Be Respectful to Your Consumers
David Ogilvy writes in his book, 'A consumer is not a moron. She's your wife. Don't insult her intelligence, and don't shock her'. No matter how great the product is, speaking down to a consumer will only draw them away. The purpose of the ad copy should be to solve the consumer problem. Hence, without being biased or disrespectful towards your consumers, treat them as your equivalent, or perhaps higher than you, considering the fact that you are the one who needs the sales.
   4.    The Headline is 80%
On an average five times as many people are likely to read the headline as compared to the body copy. A well written headline equals 80 cents out of the dollar spent on advertising. A headline that leads with a strong product/service benefit is usually considered successful. 
   5.    Stay Focussed on Making the Sale
Instead of trying to infatuate your consumers with highly innovative, cute and funny copies, which do not boost sales, it is better to write simple copies, which people can understand in one glance, even when they are on the go. The copy should talk about ways, the product will improve their lives. This should be reflected in the copy.
  6.     Explain Why Consumers should buy your Product
One of the effective ways to write a persuasive copy is by being as informative as possible. After hooking consumers with an effective headline, next task is to let consumers know why they should buy your brand of product. What is the unique thing about the product or the deal? Why should they choose your product over other brand's product must be effectively communicated.
  7.     Copy is Important. Treat it Well
David Ogilvy, unlike other copywriters would treat each advertising campaign as a new babies. In his book he mentions, he would nurture them, fight for them, and help them develop. And, that is how he came up with some of the best-selling campaigns in the history of advertising.  
  These are some of the handy tips by David Ogivly, in my words, written as per my understanding.

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