Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Petting the Ads!

How often have we heard or read somewhere that babies, pets and sex sell like hot cakes in ads? Whenever an advertiser wants to generate a buzz, he either uses a combination of the above listed ingredients or uses one of them. In this blog, I am sharing some heart-melting ads with pets in them.

The recent Halloween Chobani commercial has cute little dogs dressed up in adorable Halloween costumes. Another ad that came out in the end of October, which had a pet dog featuring in the ad was that of Petco. Such ads are said to garner maximum likes on social media websites and are most shared videos on YouTube and the likes.

Some of the most recent Indian ads and American ads with pets will simply melt your heart. These pets not only look cute on screen, but also bring smile on our face with the way they act, behave and care like the humans do.

Obamacare Health Insurance, too chose the same path by running a pet-centric ad around Feb-March 2014. Almost two-third of the American population owns a dog and women being extremely fond of them, Enroll America and Ad Council ran pet-centric ads on television, movie theaters, online, on billboards and in women's magazines like O and, The Oprah.

All these ads and many other pet-centric ads are usually created in a way that we are reminded of how indifferent we are at times and how we take things for granted, and how these pets shower us with their love and care in the most selfless way.

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