Sunday, November 9, 2014

Holiday Ads

Advertising is undergoing a rapid wave of transition, moving from one medium to another. The change is so quick that just when a brand starts advertising via a particular medium, the medium is already on the verge of fading out, making a way for yet another new medium. Four years back Instagram started as a social tool to edit and share pictures with friends and family. Over the time, advertisers picked up on this tool and started using it to create a more interactive marketing technique.  

We know that the 'Holiday Season' is just around the corner when we start seeing the ads around us. Be it the billboards and other Out of the Home (OOH) advertising, or be it ads on television, radio, print, or more so lately, be it the ads on Instagram & other social media, more than anything else, ads actually make us feel that we are approaching a 'Holiday Season' with their festive themed advertising. 

While reading a blog on 'Brands using Instagram as a Canvas for Seasonal Creativity', I came across Instagram not just as a tool to advertise, but also a tool wherein people from across the world, share one platform and engage in a common activity via various contests. 
Apart from Disneyland and Jet Blue's highly interactive Instagram campaign, one campaign that really struck me was the Oreo ad for Instagram and Facebook fans. Oreo created little adorable monsters and called them "nomsters". The brand created several short videos (around 10-11 seconds long, fit to be uploaded on Instagram) with "nomster" and released one on each day and asked their fans to "Name the Nomster". The best names were turned into digital content posted by Oreo later each day for the whole week. 

Check out one of the videos from the campaign: The Exortwist 

For more check out their Instagram page: #Oreo

Read more about the campaign on #OreoLab 

I think using such new tools for advertising really calls in for lot of creativity from the advertisers' end owing to the limitations of the medium (amidst its great reach in terms of visibility). Creating videos, that are shorter than 15 seconds, and are not just cute and funny but at the same time scary would surely have been not-so easy task. I am however, looking forward to Christmas and the new exciting marketing creatives.

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